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What is Peri-Steaming?
Peri-steaming also known as “vaginal steaming”, yoni steaming, or even herbal steaming - is a traditional self-care practice where someone gently exposes the entire pelvic region to the rising steam by sitting or kneeling over a warm pot of boiled water and steeped herbs.
Steaming May...
1. Improve symptoms of irregular menses
2. Regulate your womb's PH balance
3. Encourage oxytocin release
4. Increase the efficiency of the womb’s natural monthly cleanse
5. Reduce chances of infections by draining irregular discharge
6. Relieve pain during sex
7. Help to connect you with your body and cycle

Irregular MensesSteaming may help to improve situations with: missing period, long period, short period and heavy bleeding. It may help with decreasing cramps as well.
Painful SexPeri-steaming can be used when experiencing pain during sex. Steam users have reported immediate relief when they steamed prior to having intercourse.
Preparing For LaborSteaming can be used once the pregnancy is full term to encourage circulation, moisture, and to relax the muscles.
Postpartum RecoveryThe most common use of vaginal steaming around the world is for postpartum recovery. A trial study called the Fourth Trimester Vaginal Steam Study found that postpartum steaming was useful for returning the vulva to its pre-pregnancy state more quickly; expelling lochia in a shorter period of time; helping the uterus shrink down more quickly; improving bowel regularity; and reducing postpartum hemorrhoids.
Pregnancy LossPeri-Steaming can be used during and after pregnancy loss. It may be useful for clearing out retained pregnancy matter and initiating contractions for missed miscarriages.
Irregular DischargePeri-steaming can be used while experiencing viral, yeast and bacterial infections such as yeast infections, bacterial vaginosis, and HPV. It may help to clear out irregular vaginal discharge which may relieve and reduce infection symptom
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